Monday, November 22, 2010


Everybody knows what lol is but do we really laugh when we use lol? I certainly don’t laugh out loud when I’m staring at the computer screen, in a room, by my self. And when I chat with some people the lols keep appearing like every two lines. Even when there’s nothing funny. For example:

Ali : Hey, I passed my exams!!!

Abu : Congrats!!!

Ali : lol.

See what I mean?

And then there’s the modified lols. lolzzz, lolwut, lolololol, loool, etc.

lolzzz sounds like you’re laughing like crazy then suddenly you fell asleep. Like “HAHAHA…zzzzz”.

Then lolwut, the wut sound so abrupt that it seems as if you laugh laugh laugh then all of a sudden, just like that you realise something doesn’t make sense.

But whatever the meaning is, we all know what a person means when they lol. It could be a giggle, or it could be a real genuine laugh, but when we see it we know what it is right? So, the question is, when do you lol? I just found out that this topic is even mentioned in Wikipedia, just search for lol.

By the way, remember my previous post? The picture? Drawing of Elmo? Well, I stumbled upon Elmo’s song!!! Check it out. lol


Vic said...

LOL, elmo =D
Finally figured out how to embed video eh, lol =D

Thaya said...

thanks to you. haha

CL said...

so many lols Zhi Yu. When you wana go see JPA?