Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Quote Quote

After watching glee the other day (episode 3- grilled cheesus) which is about God, I remembered a quote my aunty used to say. Then a few days after that while talking with people I remembered more quotes. So here are some of the cun quotes that I remember for quite some time now:

1. Prayer is personal
My aunty said this when one of my cousins didn't attend some temple function, then my other relatives taruh him kaw kaw. "Prayer is personal" that's all she said, then problem solved.
2. Pain is temporary, but glory lasts forever.
My senior told me this in high school when we were training for a competition. Very motivational. Remembered until now.
3. Why ask 'why me'?
I heard this on tv actually but I forgot which show. The person was talking about a tennis player who always help others, do charity work and all and was one of the top champions. Very good guy lah lebih kurang. But then he got cancer. So people always ask him "don't you wonder why this happen to you?" So he replied "Why ask 'why me' now when I didn't ask 'why me' when God gave me the championship before." Damn deep rite. So don't ask why me again.
4. Things happen for a reason
This one can say it applies to my daily life lah. I just feel that somehow things that doesn't seem right at that moment will make sense at the end of the day. Somehow.
5. For me to know is for you to find out
My teachers always use this when we ask some obvious or silly questions. I still don't get it until now. Lame lah.
6. For me.
My friends back in Kajang use this all the time. If they ask you to do something and you refuse, their first response to pujuk you would be "for me". For example:

Ali: Dei come watch movie.
Abu: Cannot lah got some homework to do.
Ali : Come lah, for me.

Always like this, without fail.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kejar Kejar

Reminisce: To recollect and tell of past experiences or events.

After reading poems in literature class for the past week, for some reason I thought about how I used to play kejar-kejar in school and how we decide who jadi. So here is what me and my friends used to do in school before.

1. 1, 2 jus
Back in my school the system was water vs bird vs stone. But some people use gun lah, scissors lah, paper lah.
2. Lat tali lat tali tam plom
Everybody knows this rite. Still used until today. In my opinion this is the best way to solve a problem. Simple.
Here comes the poetic part when we want to kira and find out who jadi:

Bi bala bi,
Taman jadi,
Tujuh biji,
Bas stop

I know doesn't make sense but everyone in my school and some people from my neighborhood knows this. I wonder if other people knows this...
Inky Pinky Ponkey,
Father bought a donkey,
Donkey died,
Father cried,
Inky Pinky Ponkey.

My PJK teacher used tell us to use this: "Boys, faster inky pinky ponky and split team"
Pen merah pen biru,
Mak marah I love you.

I stopped using this after primary school though, too romantic, haha.
Police and thief,
Want to jaga,
Police mati,
Pencuri jaga.

This one obviously for police and thief.
That's all at the moment. See how poetic Malaysian children are...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Layan Layan

I read an interesting article in a newspaper recently, not NST but Berita Harian. Wanna know whats the title?

Maksiat di lebuh raya
Kereta dipandu bergerak terhoyong-hayang akibat pemandu hilang tumpuan asyik layan nafsu

What a title lah. Somehow these kind of things sounds funnier when its in Malay right? Here's the link to the article.

Anyway, the story is that some people "layan nafsu" at the LEKAS highway after midnight in their car which is either parked on the side of the road or still moving. Still moving? How lah?

here's one funny line in the article:

"Penduduk mendakwa, corak pemanduan berbahaya itu berikutan pemandu terbabit sedang asyik melayan nafsu sehingga tidak dapat memberikan tumpuan ketika memandu."

See that, the penduduk saw the cars moving dangerously then straightaway they know the driver tengah layan nafsu. How they know? Penduduk prihatin lah must be.

This is in Paroi, Negeri Sembilan where people use the road as a "`port' memadu kasih berikutan keadaan jalan yang agak gelap." Saw that, became port already. I wonder how it became a 'port' in the first place. How come so many people go there to do it? Maybe they had this conversation,

Ali: Bro, aku nak layan nafsu lah tapi takde port. Camne ah?
Abu: Kau pergi highway LEKAS, gelap sikit, boleh buat 'projek'.
Ali: Camne kau tahu?

How they know? Word of mouth? Friends recommendation? Now came out in paper already even more people know lah. More people buat projek.

Remaja-remaja zaman sekarang...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gaajah Gaajah 2

Saw that, first page of the first volume