Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kejar Kejar

Reminisce: To recollect and tell of past experiences or events.

After reading poems in literature class for the past week, for some reason I thought about how I used to play kejar-kejar in school and how we decide who jadi. So here is what me and my friends used to do in school before.

1. 1, 2 jus
Back in my school the system was water vs bird vs stone. But some people use gun lah, scissors lah, paper lah.
2. Lat tali lat tali tam plom
Everybody knows this rite. Still used until today. In my opinion this is the best way to solve a problem. Simple.
Here comes the poetic part when we want to kira and find out who jadi:

Bi bala bi,
Taman jadi,
Tujuh biji,
Bas stop

I know doesn't make sense but everyone in my school and some people from my neighborhood knows this. I wonder if other people knows this...
Inky Pinky Ponkey,
Father bought a donkey,
Donkey died,
Father cried,
Inky Pinky Ponkey.

My PJK teacher used tell us to use this: "Boys, faster inky pinky ponky and split team"
Pen merah pen biru,
Mak marah I love you.

I stopped using this after primary school though, too romantic, haha.
Police and thief,
Want to jaga,
Police mati,
Pencuri jaga.

This one obviously for police and thief.
That's all at the moment. See how poetic Malaysian children are...

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