Saturday, January 15, 2011

Drink Drink

This is an article from the Cars, Bikes, Trucks section (every Sunday) of the NST. Here's the link to the article where CBT will try to solve readers' problems.

Distracting reflection on windshield:

I recently purchased a Perodua Alza Advanced, which comes with a dashboard mounted GPS navigation unit. Unfortunately, when driving at night, the reflection from the GPS screen is obstructing my view, as shown in this photo.

I think this is dangerous for drivers. I hope that Perodua can provide a solution.

- Muzafar Abdullah

Reply from Perodua:

Our findings concur with Muzzafar's claim that the reflection from the mounted GPS unit does obstruct the driver’s view when driving at night.
To overcome that problem, our GPS vendor will supply an add-on cup holder for our customers.

So the next time you see reflections a.k.a distractions (notice the label in the picture?) in your windscreen, get a drink. Who says you shouldn't drink and drive...

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